Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Week

What a fantastic, short week we've had!

Mrs. Ebert and Mrs. Petersen came back from the Google Summit with some exciting new ideas on incorporating technology into our classroom.  The first step was setting up our classroom on Google Classroom.  When students are logged into Google Classroom they can get assignments teachers have posted, visit links teachers and other students have shared and get involved in lots of other fun ways!

Some of the links we have shared recently have to do with the earliest English settlements including Roanoke, Jamestown and Plimouth:
Great videos including a tour of the Mayflower 2!
History Channel's guide to Thanksgiving
More history on Thanksgiving-including the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekly Update November 24-25

It's hard to believe we are already at Thanksgiving break.  We hope you enjoy the extra time off with your family.

Third grade started their unit on measurement.  We will be measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch, working with liquid volume (cup, pint, quart, and gallon), and mass (ounce and pound).  Students will also learn about metric measurements (centimeter, meter, milliliter, liter, gram, and kilogram).  We will also work on telling time to the nearest minute and elapsed time.

Fourth grade will continue to work on long division.  Please continue to review basic multiplication and division facts at home.

Fifth grade is continuing to work with fractions.  They are currently learning to multiply fractions.

Reading Workshop
We have been reading non fiction text.  Students have been exploring the different text features used in non fiction (table of contents, glossary, index, captions, bold print, etc).  We are also working on finding the main idea and details in our small groups.  We also started a new round of book clubs.  Check with your child to see which book they are currently reading.

Writing Workshop
Students have been busy working on Thanksgiving stories.  We introduced opinion writing using the following prompt...Write a story from the turkey's point of view why you should not eat turkey on Thanksgiving.  They have come up some very creative and funny stories.  We will wrap up our stories this week and give students a chance to share with the class.

Social Studies
We have moved on from explorers to colonization.  The unit was introduced by learning about Roanoke Colony, also known as the Lost Colony.  Ask your child what they learned about this mysterious colony.

Google Classroom
Mrs. Ebert and Mrs. Petersen were out a day last week at the Google Summit.  We learned many things we are excited to implement in our classroom.  One thing we have already put into place is Google Classroom.  Each student is now able to log into their Chromebook and access a folder for each subject. Classroom is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments without paper. Have your child log into their Google account and show you this weekend.

Cousins Cards
Fifth grade students are selling Cousins cards to fund raise for their Chicago field trip.  These are a great deal.  Each card is $10 and is good for 12 subs at buy one get one free pricing. They will make great Christmas gifts!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

BEE Assembly

Please click below to see a video of this month's BEE expectation. Students reviewed winter playground behavior.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Student Government

Congratulations to our newly elected student government!

Co-Presidents - Lydia Steinbauer and Brooke Buechler

5th Grade Representative - Jacob Brzozowski
4th Grade Representative - Mason Stoffel
3rd Grade Representative - Matthew Oelhafen

3-5 Class Representatives:
Teagan Carroll, Kiera MacFarlan, and Ruth Uelmen